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Figure 2 | Behavioral and Brain Functions

Figure 2

From: Cortical activation elicited by unrecognized stimuli

Figure 2

The figure shows increased activation in the prefrontal and hippocampal regions during explicit retrieval elicited by subliminally presented primed (Recognized) and unprimed (Unrecognized) stimuli. A majority of stimuli in the primed condition were recognized by the volunteers, while in the unprimed condition, most of the stimuli were unrecognized. The prefrontal activity was unilateral (left middle frontal gyrus) in the unprimed (Unrecognized) condition, and bilateral (left middle frontal and right superior frontal gyri) in the primed (Recognized) condition. Primed stimuli activated the right hippocampus while unprimed stimuli activated the left hippocampus. Histograms show percent change in MR signal intensity in different contrast conditions in the areas of interest: R = Recognized (primed) picture; U = Unrecognized (unprimed) picture; B = Baseline condition; BA = Brodmann's area.

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