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Table 1 Definition of variables

From: The attention network test: a characteristic pattern of deficits in children with ADHD



Reaction time

Mean reaction time (RT) for each cue and flanker condition


Number of correct responses

Overall errors

Number of overall errors

Wrong responses

All other error responses than omissions, perservations and outliers


RT = 0 ms.


RT > 0 ms. < 100 ms.


Flanker × Cue RT - Stdev < 3*Stdev. RT = 0 can not be both omission and outlier and priority was given to omissions

Hits RT

Median RT for correct responses

Hits RT SE

Standard error of RT for correct responses. Measure of consistency of responses

Variability of SE

Standard deviation of the 3 standard error values calculated for each block. Measures within respondent variability

Hits RT block change

The slope of change in RT between blocks. Measure of vigilance

Hits SE block change

The slope of change in standard error of RT between blocks. Measure of consistency and vigilance

Attention Networks

Calculated both for RT and errors:


Alerting = RT/error for no cue - RT/error for double cue


Orienting = RT/error for central cue - RT/error for orienting cue


Conflict: = RT/error for incongruent flanker - RT/error for congruent flanker