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Table 1 Clinical characteristics in the US young adult sample and in the Hungarian sample of depressive patients

From: Association between dopaminergic polymorphisms and borderline personality traits among at-risk young adults and psychiatric inpatients

DSM-IV Axis I diagnoses

US sample

N (%)

Hu sample

N (%)

Major Depression*

23 (23.2)

79 (58.1)

Bipolar Disorder

7 (7.1)

50 (36.8)


0 (0)

4 (2.9)

Schizoaffective Disorder

0 (0)

3 (2.2)

Anxiety Disorder

40 (40.4)

85 (62.5)

Substance Abuse

38 (38.4)

12 (8.8)

Psychotic symptoms

24 (24.2)

76 (55.9)

  1. * including single episode