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Table 1 Questionnaire and task results for the ADHD and control group

From: Resting state EEG oscillatory power differences in ADHD college students and their peers


Clinical (n = 18)(mean/sd)

Control (n = 17)(mean/sd)

Years of Education

15.7 (1.2)

15.9 (1.7)

ASRS ***

51.4 (11.7)

20.0 (12.7)

CFQ ***

57.3 (11.2)

26.8 (10.1)

WJ-III Reading fluency

97.9 (14.5)

104.7 (18.4)

WAIS - Digit Span

8.3 (3.4)

9.4 (2.7)

  1. Independent sample t-tests between clinical and control group, * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001.
  2. ASRS, Adult ADHD Self Report Scale; CFQ, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire; WJ-III, Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Achievement; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale.