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Table 1 Hand dominance and baseline measures of excitability in the two age groups (mean ± SD)

From: Associations between a neurophysiological marker of central cholinergic activity and cognitive functions in young and older adults



(n = 24)


(n = 31)

Hand Dominance (L/R)



Resting MT (% output)

66.00 ± 11.55

72.55 ± 12.71

Test MT (% output)

79.17 ± 13.82

86.97 ± 15.15

Resting MEP amplitude (μV)

926.61 ± 774.34

427.22 ± 540.59*

Resting MEP latency (ms)

22.27 ± 1.88

24.03 ± 1.87*

Intensity MNS1

64.17 ± 1.80

72.87 ± 1.72

  1. Key: MEP, motor evoked potential; MNS, median nerve stimulation; MT, motor threshold.
  2. 1 Conditioning intensity for median nerve stimulation (MNS).
  3. *Significant difference at adjusted p-values (p = 0.0125) for multiple comparisons (see [33] for a more elaborate analysis of these age differences)