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Fig. 2 | Behavioral and Brain Functions

Fig. 2

From: Ocular and neural genes jointly regulate the visuospatial working memory in ADHD children

Fig. 2

Results of network and polygenic risk score analyses. A Gene interaction networks. Nodes and edges were constructed using relevant genes and gene interactions detected by GeneMANIA. Genes involved in four indexes exhibited a cooperative pattern, and TCL1A and TCL1B were identified as overlap nodes for three indexes (DD, DI, SI). Node size was determined by −log P (single–marker based P value), with sizes doubling if SNPs were involved in more than one index. Edges were constructed based on correlations between genes, with line width indicating the strength of correlation; B correlation heatmap between four RCFT scores and PRS scores for five psychiatric disorders. White asterisk denotes significant correlations (empirical P value less than 0.05); C Scatter plots for ADHD PRS scores and REY-DD, significant negative relationships were revealed

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