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Fig. 3 | Behavioral and Brain Functions

Fig. 3

From: Inhibition of astroglial hemichannels ameliorates infrasonic noise induced short-term learning and memory impairment

Fig. 3

A An example of acquisition testing of MWM. The rats subjected to IE had more complex motion track to find the submerged platform than the rats in the Sham group. Red circle indicates the platform. B At day 4 or day 5, the rats in the Sham group exhibited shorter latency to platform when compared with the rats in the IE group. C There was no difference in latency to visible platform between two groups. D An example of probe trial of MWM. The platform was removed and the motion track showed that the rats in the IE group had less time spent in target quadrant (quadrant C) and less times crossing the removed platform location than the rats in the Sham group. Red circle indicates the location of platform. E The rats in the IE group had less time spent in target quadrant (quadrant C) when compared with the rats in the Sham group. F The rats in the Sham group had more target crossing times than the rats in the IE group. G There was no difference in swimming speed between two groups. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Each value represents means ± SD, n = 6

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