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Fig. 3 | Behavioral and Brain Functions

Fig. 3

From: Structural connectome alterations between individuals with autism and neurotypical controls using feature representation learning

Fig. 3

Canonical correlation analysis between symptom severity of autism and the integrated gradient values. Correlations between the canonical components u and v (left) are shown. Circle plots represent the explained variance of ADOS total, social cognition, communication, and repeated behavior/interest scores (middle). The size and color of the circles indicate the magnitude of the explained variance of each ADOS score. The explained variance of the integrated gradients of within- and between-networks is shown with spider plots (right). The ADOS communication sub-score, within the default mode network, and between the somatomotor-visual/limbic/frontoparietal networks showed relatively high explained variance. Abbreviations: ADOS, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; T, total; S, social cognition; C, communication; R, repeated behavior/interest

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