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Fig. 2 | Behavioral and Brain Functions

Fig. 2

From: Changes in effective connectivity during the visual-motor integration tasks: a preliminary f-NIRS study

Fig. 2

Effective connectivity changes of brain networks and channels in three conditions. a EC matrix of all brain networks in simple condition; b EC matrix of all brain networks in moderate condition; c EC matrix of all brain networks in complex condition; d P-value matrix of brain networks among the three conditions (the white square in the P-value matrix represents no statistical differences in results, while the blue one represents significant differences); e, f significantly different EC values of channels among the three conditions. *Significant differences survived FDR correction for multiple testing (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01). DMN default mode network, DAN dorsal attention network, VAN ventral attention network, FPN frontoparietal network, SMN somatomotor network, VN visual network

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